As we all know, our country has many cultural attraction, ranging from the clothes, dances, houses, traditional ceremonies, and also of our country. Why? Because I love food and culinary delight. And since I come from West of Nusa Tenggara, I will give you details about indigeneous food from Lombok. There are some famous culinary of Lombok. I will explain to you from Pelecing kangkung, Ayam taliwang, Satay bulayak, Beberuk, and Telur gulung suranadi. I will also give you the details ingredients, how to cook it and where you can hid it in Lombok.

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011


Spicy! That is the first description we get if we try the foods of Lombok. It may be represent the word "Lombok" island. Among the famous Lombok foods is Ayam Taliwang, whether it's roasted or fried. The chicken it self is relatively the same with the common chicken, only smaller. But, it becomes spicy because of the sauce on it is very tastes.

Sasak people name it "Manuk Pelalah", a build of  fried or roasted chicken with big and small chicken and then try with coconut essence. For those who can't eat chili, they can order with "not so spicy" sausages. Ayam Taliwang is given with special Lombok sausages, coconut palm oil and onion. After being wasted for a couple of tame, it is given another ingredients and then wasted again.

It is said that Ayam Taliwang comes from a village in lombok, called "Karang Taliwang" in Cakranegara, Mataram city. It was the late Haji Murad and his wife, Salmah who popularities it. Soon, it has been developed by his descendants.

We can find Taliwang restaurant in some big cities like Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya and Bali. Even food stalls on the streets sell this special foods. they order the special ingredients directly from Karang Taliwang to maintain it's gemure taste, which is very hot and spicy.

Along with the migration of people from outsides of Lombok, Ayam Taliwang also adjust their flavour. For example, for people from Yogyakarta, the ingredients taste sweet. For Sasak or Manado, they serve another hot sausages or ketchup.

Ayam Taliwang is the favorite menus of Lombok. The  main ingredients of it is young chicken between 3-5 month old. We can taste the ingredients until the hones of it.

Ayam Taliwang is the typical food Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara based chicken. which served with red chili marinade of dry, onion, garlic, red tomatoes, fried shrimp, kencur, Java sugar, and salt. 

1 chicken, halved
2 tablespoons lime water
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
200 ml water
1 tablespoon cooking oil

7 red onions
4 cloves garlic
4 pieces of red chilli
2 cm kencur
1 teaspoon shrimp paste
1 tomato
20 gr salt
1 tsp brown sugar

How to make:
Preheat oven to 200 ° C.
Rub the chicken with lemon juice and salt and let stand for 30 minutes.
Stir-fry ground ingredients until fragrant, put the chicken and stir until stiff.
Pour water over medium heat until chicken is almost cooked.  
Transfer to a heat-resistant dish and put in oven.
Cook for 25 minutes.
Open the lid and cook for another 15 minutes with the fire from above until the chicken dry.
Pick up and ready to be served.

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

How to make Pelecing Kangkung

Everyone in Lombok must have known Plecing Kangkung because it's their special food from Lombok. For them, it has become the everyday menu since their ancestors. No wonder that small kiosk on the street sell this food as lunch or dinner menus. Even this big restaurants & 5 stars hotels serve this as their menu.

Plecing is a simple food with unique taste. It isn't difficult to make it because we already have the main ingredients, which is special Kangkung from Lombok. It has ti be Kangkung Lombok because it has been planted in running waters & ponds so it has good water circulation.

These are the ingredients:
* Materials: - a bundle of Kangkung Lombok (about 1/4 kg (depends for the amount of the persons)
                   - 1 ounce of young & fresh sprout (tauge)
* Seasoning: - red pepper
                    - fish preserves (terasi)
                    - jeruk limau
                    - tomato vegetables
                    - salt
                    - sugar

How to make it:
- Boil 1,5 liters of water in a 3 liters pan
- After boiling, put in 2 tea-spoon of salt
- Cut the hard part of Kangkung & clean it, then put them in the boiling water
- Wait until the Kangkung is well-cooked (Kangkung Lombok will still look fresh although it has been cooked, while the other Kangkung will looked brownish)
- Put out from the pan after it is well-cooked
- Boil the sprout (half-cooked or well-cooked) then put out from the pan 
- Make the seasoning:
   * Smooth them with pepper, salt & fish preserves with tomatoes & sugar.
- Cut the cooled Kangkung into 2 or 3 parts, put it in wide plate & pour the sprout
- Mix it with the seasoning mixture
Finally, it's ready to be served. It will be more enjoyable to be eaten with Krupuk & rather hot rice.     

So, this first post show how to make one of the unique & delicious food from Lombok. It's quite easy & you can try it alone or with your friends. I hope you enjoy reading this..See you..