As we all know, our country has many cultural attraction, ranging from the clothes, dances, houses, traditional ceremonies, and also of our country. Why? Because I love food and culinary delight. And since I come from West of Nusa Tenggara, I will give you details about indigeneous food from Lombok. There are some famous culinary of Lombok. I will explain to you from Pelecing kangkung, Ayam taliwang, Satay bulayak, Beberuk, and Telur gulung suranadi. I will also give you the details ingredients, how to cook it and where you can hid it in Lombok.

Jumat, 20 April 2012

Dodol Rumput Laut

If we mention the name of Lombok, then our minds would imply the traditional foods. Ayam taliwang, pelecing kangkung, beberuk, and so forth. In addition to these heavy foods, can also be found in Lombok a typical snack Dodol rumput laut. Dodol rumput laut is an icon food souvenirs from the island of Lombok. Dodol a chewy texture, a bit tough on the teeth, and sweet and sour on the tongue. It feels different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Like the flavor of soursop, watermelon, jackfruit, squash, tomatoes, and others.

Raw material consists only of seaweed and processed into seaweed flour and sugar mixed fruits that are still fresh. These foods contain fiber and carbohydrates that are suitable for dessert after lunch, dinner, or when there is a party. There are also candied seaweed that feels like jelly, but even harder with a variety of colors such as yellow, green, and red. But it was almost as sweet and chewy on the tongue for all colors.

Different dodol and candied seaweed is its shape. Dodol elongated box-shaped almost entirely by hand thumb. While candied seaweed round, triangular and hibiscus leaves. A variety of packaging ranging from bamboo baskets, jars of mica, and paper boxes. Price lunkhead in a paper box from Rp 10,000 to Rp 15,000 per box weighing about 200 grams.

The most unique packaging of the material bamboo is set up in the box with various flavors. It is suitable for souvenirs at the office because of the unique packaging and the price per package of between Rp 75,000 to Rp 150,000. Another souvenir from Lombok food is like the ting-ting cashews, salted egg is placed in a unique round bamboo basket, Sumbawa honey, cashew nuts, crackers cow leather, candied fruit and dried.

To make this seaweed product lunkhead, must follow several steps. The stages will be outlined as follows:

A. Washing and Cleaning
Seaweed washed with fresh water until clean. Dirt such as sand, rocks, mud and other types of seaweed removed. Once clean, soaking and bleaching done.

B. Soaking and bleaching
Soaking is done so that the seaweed becomes soft, so the process of making dodol will be running properly. The trick seaweed soaked in pure water as much as 20 times the weight of seaweed for 3 days. After the bleaching is done by soaking in a chlorine solution of 0.25% or 5% solution of calcium oxide with stirring, after 4-6 hours, seaweed washed again for 3 hours to remove the smell of chlorine. Seaweed that has been clean and pale dried for 2 days, until this stage of seaweed can be saved first if not immediately treated. After soaking and bleaching done to softening.

C. softdning
To further facilitate the manufacture of lunkhead, the cell wall needs to be broken down by plus H2SO4 for 15 minutes. The amount of H2SO4 depending on the type of seaweed, Gracilaria is 5-10%. Gelidium 15% and Hypnea 25%. If there is no sulfuric acid, can be used acetic acid, citric acid, fruit acids or acid leaves. Because sulfuric acid is dangerous, it is necessary to wash with a seaweed soaked in water for 15 minutes and then drained. After that, the seaweed is cooked until done.

D. concoction
Cooked seaweed in the water as much as 40 times the weight of seaweed. After boiling (90-100 C), we add 0.5% acetic acid to obtain pH 6-7. If> 7, the pH was lowered by the addition of vinegar and if <6, was added NaOH. PH probe can be carried out using pH paper. Heating is carried out about 45 minutes but it can also for 2-4 hours depending on how stirring. After the cooking process depending on the desired final shape lunkhead, namely in the form of bars, sheets or flour. After that, enter the processing lunkhead. E. Processing Dodol 1. Pressing and printing The results of the cooking and then filtered with calico cloth and pressed. Accommodated in the discharge vessel and neutralized by adding soda water so the pH to 7 to 7.5. When the pH is reached, the fluid is then cooked again with stirring. After boiling, the result is poured into molds, approximately 6 hours lunkhead's cold and frozen. Pressing the pulp can be used again by adding water as much as 75% of the amount of water initially, then the residue was heated and filtered. Discharge can be used as a mixture in the process, so that ultimately there is no residue that can be used again. These residues can be used as fodder. 2. refrigeration Liquids that have been frozen in a refrigerated cool room temperature - 20 C for 4-5 days. Cooling is done so that compaction actually occurs perfectly so that the products have good quality. 3. drying for the drying process, which has been cooled lunkhead removed from the mold. The results obtained are lunkhead bars. When cooled lunkhead-shaped sheets, bars lunkhead cut 0.5 cm thick. As the cutting tool can be used fine steel wire, rod or sheet lunkhead then dried. 4. packing Lunkhead who really dry put in a plastic box with a weight of 200 grams each. Materials used to make paper lunkhead of a kind of seaweed Grasilaria sp. In the process of manufacture, seaweed is washed thoroughly with fresh water, then soaked in lime water. After 20 minutes, dried in the sun wearing of gauze pads. Long drying can be only one day, but it can also up to 3 days, depending on the intensity of the sun. The principle of seaweed to dry completely. From the description above, we certainly can not wait to come to Lombok and buying good lunkhead seaweed used as a souvenir as well as his own consumption. People who come and buy this lunkhead always wanted to come back to buy it because of good taste and quality. Typical lunkhead in Lombok is different from the lunkhead seaweed elsewhere. Although the way of making the same, but this lunkhead Lombok typically do not use preservatives that are safe for health. With low glucose content, lunkhead is also safe for people who suffer from diabete disease. Besides that, the seaweed products are made also in the form of gelatin. Besides a lot of flavor, the texture of soft gelatin makes the audience more addictive and do not want to stop to eat. Therefore, do not waste your chance for a trip to Lombok and enjoy a variety of culinary, culinary delights and typically very well take home a souvenir of his trademark lunkhead seaweed and other typical foods.

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Jumat, 13 April 2012

Sayur Lebui

Lebui vegetables or black soya-bean vegetables. This indigeneous food from West Nusa Tenggara makes uses soya-bean which is cooked together with other ingredients. It takes a long time to cook this vegetables, because the black soya-bean has to be real cooked. But it will paid off by the deliciousness and the use of this vegetables, which can add up our stamina and it's richness of vegetables protein.

to cooked this vegetables, you must to pare the ingredients are:
- 100 grams of yellow pumpkin, cut in square
- 200 grams of lebui (black soya-bean)
- 2000 ml of water
- 6 full sire of chili
- 4 white onion, slice it thick
- 6 red onion, slice it thick
- 3 red chili, slice then
- 1 green chili, slice it
- 2 tomatoes, cut them
- 2cm lengkuas (javanese spices), strike it
- 2 plies of salam leaves
- 3 3/4 teaspoons of salt
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 2 term of kemangi leaves
- 2 spoonful of oil to steam

How to cook:
1. Boil the water and black soya-bean until they are wasted.
2. Heat the oil. Steam the white and red onion,red and green chili, tomatoes, lengkuas and salam leaves until it give great smell.
3. Pour the mixture into the black soya-bean. Add yellow pumpkin, jackfruit, and big chili, boil it.
4. Put the salt and sugar. Boil it.
5. Before it is finished, put on the kemangi leaves. Stir it.
6. Put the black soya-bean into the bowl.
7. Sayur lebui is ready to served.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Nasi Puyung

As I am certainly proud of Lombok was granted by God's nature is so beautiful. Including the nature of the fertile rice fields. White sandy beaches are gorgeous. Traditions of diverse communities come to thrilling culinary heritage of the tongue when eaten.

If you had the opportunity to come to Lombok, do not forget to taste a variety of typical food of Lombok. Starting from Pelecing kangkung, Ayam Pelecingan, Ayam Taliwang, Beberok Terong, Ikan Beberok,Nasi Puyung, and Bebalung.

Speaking of food typical of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), our tongue would probably remember the delicious grilled ayam Taliwang. Ayam Taliwang is renowned and is one of Lombok's culinary icons even been found in many other cities such as Jakarta and Bandung.

However, in addition to ayam Taliwang, Lombok also has a food menu that is equally tempting nasi Puyung. And it could be nasi Puyung can only be found in Lombok. So, if you have the opportunity to be in Lombok, do not miss the fresh food and make it hot.

Nasi Puyung name is taken from the name of his native region Puyung village, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Pioneer maker nasi Puyung is a rice seller is Inaq (mother) Isun coming from Puyung village. She has been selling nasi Puyung since the 1980's and now the growing business and has been handled by children and grandchildren. Inaq Isun was the first to popularize nasi puyung widely known. Any promotion of the mouth of the mouth. Now his business continued by his children and grandchildren. Although the location of his home village in the middle, the buyers come every day from noon to endless night. They come just to enjoy delicious nasi puyung of the main creators Inaq Isun. Because of deliciousness,nasi Puyung increasingly mushrooming up to the city center as in Mataram, West Lombok, East Lombok and Sumbawa Island.

In Mataram, the original store name comes from the village of Puyung is Nasi Balap Puyung Inaq Isun. Simple shop is located in front of the Grand Legi Hotel, Sriwijaya street, Mataram and is open daily from 09:00 to 21:00 o'clock. In this shop, people in Mataram can enjoy nasi puyung native of the village without having to get there. Enjoyment nasi puyung can make beads of sweat were falling one by one until he felt a sudden loss wet with sweat. Though unusual for people to choose a less spicy. However, the perceived spicy is spicy pleasure, not a spicy chili sauce. Nasi Puyung will taste more spicy if the rice is still hot. Because, given sauce will soak into the rice grains are coupled with a distinctive spicy chicken shredded puyung village.

To maintain the authenticity of flavors, nasi Puyung directly taken every morning from the village of Puyung, Central Lombok. Nasi Puyung which is maintained at the original third generation of the village Puyung. Nasi Puyung appearance not too special with white rice that is placed on a banana leaf. However, nasi Puyung pleasure lies precisely in the side dishes consisting of chili sauce, soy fried, shredded, and chopped chicken meat and grated coconut. As with other well-known dishes spicy Lombok, nasi Puyung may exist in the highest rank for the spicy matter. For the people of Lombok, a spicy meal can be appetizing to eat. Therefore, almost all the typical food taste spicy chili. If not spicy, it is not to eat the delicious taste typical cuisine Lombok.

Interestingly, the first time eating meat that has been covered with minced chicken sauce, crisp taste is not too spicy. The mouth also seemed unable to stop chewing. One by one, chopped the chicken into the stomach. However, after a while spicy rose up and make the lips tremble. However, if we eat continues, then the sharpness will be lost and replaced by a sense of pleasure beyond measure.

Now, spicy nasi Puyung was scattered everywhere. The indicator can you prove it simply by typing a search on google nasi Puyung , then to review the writings nasi Puyung will swell to the surface. Therefore, for those of you who have or want to come to Lombok and your holiday memories are incomplete if they do not taste the delicious spicy nasi Puyung.

Compared with nasi Uduk , nasi Puyung remain champion. With a spicy taste, people will eat more delicious than eating nasi Uduk. Nasi Uduk may have known from Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and others. However, only has a specific nasi Uduk with a savory rice and a little salty. However, it can be said for the usual side dishes. There is no sensation when eating obtained nasi Uduk than eating nasi Puyung.

Java community in particular, that in fact can not eat spicy foods, may be less suited to the spicy nasi Puyung. However, to get a different sensation, it could not hurt to try nasi Puyung. From the above description, culinary enthusiasts will not lose if you try nasi Puyung. This dish is very simple, but it was more delicious than the dishes of many kinds of desert.

Less wear on the tongue when compared with nasi Puyung. Nasi Puyung can be said as the original Lombok rice mix that gives the impression of spicy to every audience. When compared again with the "rice crazy" in Bali, nasi Puyung remain more spicy. Crazy rice in Bali is famous for many travelers from Java who buy so they eat while sweating. For that reason, the rice is called crazy rice. However, the issue price of nasi Puyung still cheaper than most other cuisines. With the money Rp. 10 000 we are able to eat nasi puyung plus a drink.

While eating one serving of Padang rice, we prepare at least Rp. 20 000 have not been coupled with a drink. Whereas to enjoy the crazy rice in Bali, the money should be spent is also very large. For a portion of Rp. 30,000 and also has not been coupled with a drink. Crazy rice in Bali only contain one piece of grilled chicken, dried tempeh, shredded beef, scrambled vegetables and chili sauge. With a little side dish, the price of Rp. 30 000 is very expensive for the size of the rice mix.

Because of the low price, it is selling nasi Puyung and also the icon in Lombok rice mix. The tourists who come from different places and also from many foreign countries who try this food is spicy on the first comment. For this reason, immediately came to Lombok and enjoy the culinary, and you get a real culinary pleasure .....

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Tanjung Fish Satay

We’re very proud to say, Nusa Tenggara has many interesting aspects to offer, one is its food. We should mention some dishes that belong to our region. Oke, let’s mention some like PELECING, AYAM TALIWANG, BEBERUK, and many more.

It won't feel complete if we visit northern Lombok without first taste this food. This satay is made up from cakalang fish, which is different from any other part of Lombok. This food is crispy and spicy and we eat it with rice or lontong. This only cost RP. 1000/piece of satay. This is an indigeneous food of Tanjung, Northern Lombok region. We can find it alongside the road from Pemenang to Northern Lombok downtown.

The main ingredients of this food are cakalang fish, coconut essence, pepper, onion, and spices. They one all mixed with the fish and then wasted. That will give you the crispy and spicy essence, which will make you fresh, hot and sweaty. So, if you go to northern Lombok, make sure to taste this food.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012


Beside taliwang chicken and pelecing kangkung, Lombok is also famous with it's vegetable food, like ares vegetables. Ares vegetables is a kind of vegetables made of "kedebong" (from banana tree). No one know that we can make vegetables from this tree except for Lombok people. Not every banana tree can be made into ares vegetables. Only the small young banana, because the old one will taste bitter.

Not everyone can cook it. Only old people (conventional people)can cook this. Why? Because can't be mixed up with anything bitter, sour or sweet. All those tastes can ruin the ares vegetable flavor. It takes quite long time to cook this food, especially the part of cleaning the banana sap and soak it with salt.

Ares vegetables can also be found in Bali, except that the way of cooking and the flavor are quite different. Unlike the usual ares which is used as daily vegetables, ares vegetables is usually made when there is a wedding ceremony (Begawe), "Mituq or Nyiwaq" for people who has died and "Roah" ceremony. People like to eat it while it's still hot.

Because of the complexity of making this food, tourist can rarely find it at the usual restaurants. This food can make people belong addicted to taste it. Ares vegetables can also be added with small pieces of meat or chicken to add the flavor.

In Lombok, almost 75% of it's citizens like this food. Starting from the cleaning man until the Governor. It was proven when the there was a gathering at the Governor's office, ares vegetables had become the favorite food witch everyone ate.

Here is the recipe to cook Ares vegetables

- One young banana tree (peel away the skin of it)
- 15 red onion
- 15 white onion
- 10 bits of pepper
- 1 shrimp paste
- salt
- 10 chilli
- 1 tea spoon of sugar

How to make it?
- slice the clean ares until it gets this, pour a bit salt on it and press it, then clean it
- all of the ingredients are mixed and pounded together until they are really fine crushed
- cut off and mix the ingredients until it gets smooth
- boil the chicken or meat, then put on the clean ares
- put on the mixed ingredients
- and served it with a fried onion

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Bebalung Ribs Soup

It we hear the word "Bebalung", we will connect it with bones. Not entirely wrong. It's almost the same like the regular soup, but this has more delicious and tasty. It's one of the oldest kind of Sasak tribe's food. In Sasak, bebalung means power. That's why, they believe that this food will also add up our power and vitality.

It's the main dish in big parties in Lombok. The ingredients are: young ribs of cow, an once of onion, 10 pieces of garlic, one ginger roof, one ginger, one turmeric, 2 fragrant grass. All those ingredients are cooked together and then mixed with the boiled bones and meats in a boiling pan for about an hour. After that, the soup is presented in a bowl with fried onion and rice.

We only have to pay Rp. 15.000,00 to have this soup. There is one famous spot to get it, which is behind the government office. Many people outside of Mataram comes to visit and taste this soup. It's not only bones in it, so it is a bit different from any another soups.

How to make Bebalung ribs soup

. 1 kg beef ribs
. 4 pieces of green peppers, cut into 4 parts.
. finely chopped 2 cm kencur
. 2 cm turmeric, finely chopped
. finely chopped ginger roof 2 cm
. finely chopped ginger 2 cm
. beef bouillon powder to taste
. salt to taste
. 2 tablespoons cooking oil
. water

. cayenne pepper 10 pieces
. grilled shrimp paste 1 teaspoon
. 6 cloves garlic
. red onion 10 cloves

How to make:
1. boiled beef ribs until tender
2. heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant, remove from heat and stir insert seasoning, into the stew beef ribs, and cook until boiling
3. enter kencur, turmeric, ginger roof and ginger, add the beef broth, powder and salt and cook over low heat until soft and cooked chops.
4. Add green peppers and tomatoes, remove from heat and serve warm.

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Where Should Be after High School?

The National examination result will be publicly enounced in next short time. Euphoria will flood for those who get success. In the other hand, It will be sorry to hear that there are some of them do not succeed in their national final examination. For those who succeed soon will think to decide; where will they be after graduating high school? Actually it will be easy to decide for those has been arranged and thought earlier but for those have not planed yet, it will be quite confusing.

Continuing study or looking for work is the primary choice among them. When they think about continuing study, they will think hard about the time and cost. How long the higher study will last? And how high is about the cost. In the same way, when they think about straightly seeking job, what skill and competence they have got is a big matter of questioning. So, doing both choices in the same time is an alternative.

Continuing study as well as seeking job is possibly done but it will be hard for them. Conventionally studying in the university needs much time to spend especially in the first year. It is true because they have to do and adapt a lot of things in their new higher school. it will be very hard to looking for job. Therefore it should come to their mind of continuing studying at higher school from their own home. As result, the available time will be more flexible for them. Then it will be very possible to seek job and get the appropriate one. This type of studying is publicly known as distance learning.

As the alternative method of studying, besides the conventional studying which students and the lecturer have to meet in the fixed time and place regularly, distance learning provides possibility to grow better. Possibly working and studying surely will create high quality graduate. Distance learning should appear as a considerable choice for them.

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

Valentine's Day

My Darling,
I love the way you make me happy
And the ways you show you care
I love the way you say "I Love You"
And the way you are always there

I love the way you touch me
Sending sweet chills down my spine
I love that you are with me
And I'm glad that you are mine

I love you warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
I Love the joy that you bring
To my live every day.

Happy Valentine's Day...

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012


Bulayak satay is also one of unique food from Mataram, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. It privides us with coconut milk and spicy flavour. We can find it early in every corner of Mataram city.

This food is represented with a packet of rice made of glutinous rice. This makes is unique, where each satay also completed with bulayak (the packet of rice). The satay it self consist of cow meat, put together in a stick and then wasted until well done. Then, the satay will be poured with Lombok spicy consist of peanuts and coconut essence. The ingredients will taste like curry. There is also chilli flavour in the ingredients to add the hpt and spicy taste.

Bulayak is like regular lontong, but it is smaller. It is also wrapped with sugar palm leaves in spiral was so we have to oder it in circular ways. The texture of it is so delicate in our mouth.

The mixture of hot and coconut essence makes it coveable to every one. We can find many of this seller in Mataram, alongside the way from Udayana until Sudirman street.