As we all know, our country has many cultural attraction, ranging from the clothes, dances, houses, traditional ceremonies, and also of our country. Why? Because I love food and culinary delight. And since I come from West of Nusa Tenggara, I will give you details about indigeneous food from Lombok. There are some famous culinary of Lombok. I will explain to you from Pelecing kangkung, Ayam taliwang, Satay bulayak, Beberuk, and Telur gulung suranadi. I will also give you the details ingredients, how to cook it and where you can hid it in Lombok.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Nasi Puyung

As I am certainly proud of Lombok was granted by God's nature is so beautiful. Including the nature of the fertile rice fields. White sandy beaches are gorgeous. Traditions of diverse communities come to thrilling culinary heritage of the tongue when eaten.

If you had the opportunity to come to Lombok, do not forget to taste a variety of typical food of Lombok. Starting from Pelecing kangkung, Ayam Pelecingan, Ayam Taliwang, Beberok Terong, Ikan Beberok,Nasi Puyung, and Bebalung.

Speaking of food typical of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), our tongue would probably remember the delicious grilled ayam Taliwang. Ayam Taliwang is renowned and is one of Lombok's culinary icons even been found in many other cities such as Jakarta and Bandung.

However, in addition to ayam Taliwang, Lombok also has a food menu that is equally tempting nasi Puyung. And it could be nasi Puyung can only be found in Lombok. So, if you have the opportunity to be in Lombok, do not miss the fresh food and make it hot.

Nasi Puyung name is taken from the name of his native region Puyung village, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Pioneer maker nasi Puyung is a rice seller is Inaq (mother) Isun coming from Puyung village. She has been selling nasi Puyung since the 1980's and now the growing business and has been handled by children and grandchildren. Inaq Isun was the first to popularize nasi puyung widely known. Any promotion of the mouth of the mouth. Now his business continued by his children and grandchildren. Although the location of his home village in the middle, the buyers come every day from noon to endless night. They come just to enjoy delicious nasi puyung of the main creators Inaq Isun. Because of deliciousness,nasi Puyung increasingly mushrooming up to the city center as in Mataram, West Lombok, East Lombok and Sumbawa Island.

In Mataram, the original store name comes from the village of Puyung is Nasi Balap Puyung Inaq Isun. Simple shop is located in front of the Grand Legi Hotel, Sriwijaya street, Mataram and is open daily from 09:00 to 21:00 o'clock. In this shop, people in Mataram can enjoy nasi puyung native of the village without having to get there. Enjoyment nasi puyung can make beads of sweat were falling one by one until he felt a sudden loss wet with sweat. Though unusual for people to choose a less spicy. However, the perceived spicy is spicy pleasure, not a spicy chili sauce. Nasi Puyung will taste more spicy if the rice is still hot. Because, given sauce will soak into the rice grains are coupled with a distinctive spicy chicken shredded puyung village.

To maintain the authenticity of flavors, nasi Puyung directly taken every morning from the village of Puyung, Central Lombok. Nasi Puyung which is maintained at the original third generation of the village Puyung. Nasi Puyung appearance not too special with white rice that is placed on a banana leaf. However, nasi Puyung pleasure lies precisely in the side dishes consisting of chili sauce, soy fried, shredded, and chopped chicken meat and grated coconut. As with other well-known dishes spicy Lombok, nasi Puyung may exist in the highest rank for the spicy matter. For the people of Lombok, a spicy meal can be appetizing to eat. Therefore, almost all the typical food taste spicy chili. If not spicy, it is not to eat the delicious taste typical cuisine Lombok.

Interestingly, the first time eating meat that has been covered with minced chicken sauce, crisp taste is not too spicy. The mouth also seemed unable to stop chewing. One by one, chopped the chicken into the stomach. However, after a while spicy rose up and make the lips tremble. However, if we eat continues, then the sharpness will be lost and replaced by a sense of pleasure beyond measure.

Now, spicy nasi Puyung was scattered everywhere. The indicator can you prove it simply by typing a search on google nasi Puyung , then to review the writings nasi Puyung will swell to the surface. Therefore, for those of you who have or want to come to Lombok and your holiday memories are incomplete if they do not taste the delicious spicy nasi Puyung.

Compared with nasi Uduk , nasi Puyung remain champion. With a spicy taste, people will eat more delicious than eating nasi Uduk. Nasi Uduk may have known from Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and others. However, only has a specific nasi Uduk with a savory rice and a little salty. However, it can be said for the usual side dishes. There is no sensation when eating obtained nasi Uduk than eating nasi Puyung.

Java community in particular, that in fact can not eat spicy foods, may be less suited to the spicy nasi Puyung. However, to get a different sensation, it could not hurt to try nasi Puyung. From the above description, culinary enthusiasts will not lose if you try nasi Puyung. This dish is very simple, but it was more delicious than the dishes of many kinds of desert.

Less wear on the tongue when compared with nasi Puyung. Nasi Puyung can be said as the original Lombok rice mix that gives the impression of spicy to every audience. When compared again with the "rice crazy" in Bali, nasi Puyung remain more spicy. Crazy rice in Bali is famous for many travelers from Java who buy so they eat while sweating. For that reason, the rice is called crazy rice. However, the issue price of nasi Puyung still cheaper than most other cuisines. With the money Rp. 10 000 we are able to eat nasi puyung plus a drink.

While eating one serving of Padang rice, we prepare at least Rp. 20 000 have not been coupled with a drink. Whereas to enjoy the crazy rice in Bali, the money should be spent is also very large. For a portion of Rp. 30,000 and also has not been coupled with a drink. Crazy rice in Bali only contain one piece of grilled chicken, dried tempeh, shredded beef, scrambled vegetables and chili sauge. With a little side dish, the price of Rp. 30 000 is very expensive for the size of the rice mix.

Because of the low price, it is selling nasi Puyung and also the icon in Lombok rice mix. The tourists who come from different places and also from many foreign countries who try this food is spicy on the first comment. For this reason, immediately came to Lombok and enjoy the culinary, and you get a real culinary pleasure .....

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