As we all know, our country has many cultural attraction, ranging from the clothes, dances, houses, traditional ceremonies, and also of our country. Why? Because I love food and culinary delight. And since I come from West of Nusa Tenggara, I will give you details about indigeneous food from Lombok. There are some famous culinary of Lombok. I will explain to you from Pelecing kangkung, Ayam taliwang, Satay bulayak, Beberuk, and Telur gulung suranadi. I will also give you the details ingredients, how to cook it and where you can hid it in Lombok.

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Bebalung Ribs Soup

It we hear the word "Bebalung", we will connect it with bones. Not entirely wrong. It's almost the same like the regular soup, but this has more delicious and tasty. It's one of the oldest kind of Sasak tribe's food. In Sasak, bebalung means power. That's why, they believe that this food will also add up our power and vitality.

It's the main dish in big parties in Lombok. The ingredients are: young ribs of cow, an once of onion, 10 pieces of garlic, one ginger roof, one ginger, one turmeric, 2 fragrant grass. All those ingredients are cooked together and then mixed with the boiled bones and meats in a boiling pan for about an hour. After that, the soup is presented in a bowl with fried onion and rice.

We only have to pay Rp. 15.000,00 to have this soup. There is one famous spot to get it, which is behind the government office. Many people outside of Mataram comes to visit and taste this soup. It's not only bones in it, so it is a bit different from any another soups.

How to make Bebalung ribs soup

. 1 kg beef ribs
. 4 pieces of green peppers, cut into 4 parts.
. finely chopped 2 cm kencur
. 2 cm turmeric, finely chopped
. finely chopped ginger roof 2 cm
. finely chopped ginger 2 cm
. beef bouillon powder to taste
. salt to taste
. 2 tablespoons cooking oil
. water

. cayenne pepper 10 pieces
. grilled shrimp paste 1 teaspoon
. 6 cloves garlic
. red onion 10 cloves

How to make:
1. boiled beef ribs until tender
2. heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant, remove from heat and stir insert seasoning, into the stew beef ribs, and cook until boiling
3. enter kencur, turmeric, ginger roof and ginger, add the beef broth, powder and salt and cook over low heat until soft and cooked chops.
4. Add green peppers and tomatoes, remove from heat and serve warm.

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