As we all know, our country has many cultural attraction, ranging from the clothes, dances, houses, traditional ceremonies, and also of our country. Why? Because I love food and culinary delight. And since I come from West of Nusa Tenggara, I will give you details about indigeneous food from Lombok. There are some famous culinary of Lombok. I will explain to you from Pelecing kangkung, Ayam taliwang, Satay bulayak, Beberuk, and Telur gulung suranadi. I will also give you the details ingredients, how to cook it and where you can hid it in Lombok.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Tanjung Fish Satay

We’re very proud to say, Nusa Tenggara has many interesting aspects to offer, one is its food. We should mention some dishes that belong to our region. Oke, let’s mention some like PELECING, AYAM TALIWANG, BEBERUK, and many more.

It won't feel complete if we visit northern Lombok without first taste this food. This satay is made up from cakalang fish, which is different from any other part of Lombok. This food is crispy and spicy and we eat it with rice or lontong. This only cost RP. 1000/piece of satay. This is an indigeneous food of Tanjung, Northern Lombok region. We can find it alongside the road from Pemenang to Northern Lombok downtown.

The main ingredients of this food are cakalang fish, coconut essence, pepper, onion, and spices. They one all mixed with the fish and then wasted. That will give you the crispy and spicy essence, which will make you fresh, hot and sweaty. So, if you go to northern Lombok, make sure to taste this food.

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